
Conference Quotes from April, 2022

Conference Quotes from April, 2022

In general conference every 6 months, we are blessed to receive the latest guidance, instruction, and inspiration from prophets, apostles, and other general authorities. In fact, the modern revelation coming from prophets is one of the special, distinguishing features of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Ideally, we members pay special attention to the direction and inspiration shared at these conferences. In this article, several quotes will be taken from the most recent

2022-06-18 Randy Gilchrist Spirituality
Staying Active

Staying Active

In a previous article, I mentioned that the activity rate for singles in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is approximately 20% for the men and 30% for the women (see: https://www.ldsdimension.com/articles/why-the-high-inactivity-rate-for-men-193/). These numbers are much lower than the approximately 50% activity rate for members in general. Being considered “active” according to my ward clerk is defined as attending sacrament meeting at least once a month. So why is it so much

2022-01-01 Randy Gilchrist Spirituality
President George Albert Smith Quotes

President George Albert Smith Quotes

n the past I have written articles reviewing quotes from particularly helpful general authorities with relevant ideas for singles. These articles have included quotes from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (https://www.ldsdimension.com/articles/elder-jeffrey-r-holland-quotes-247/) and Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf (https://www.ldsdimension.com/articles/elder-uchtdorf-quotes-237/), as well one on the excellent “personal creed” of President George Albert Smith

2021-12-13 Randy Gilchrist Spirituality
Mixed Messages from Church?

Mixed Messages from Church?

One thing I used to be rather bothered by as a single member: some mixed messages I noticed hearing in my wards, in general conference, etc. Over time and with additional life experience and wisdom, I have come to learn that mixed messages and contradictions given at church simply indicate the need to balance multiple issues, needs, and priorities at the same time. None will be done perfectly. Most of these contradictions involve careers, money, debt, and working versus other family and church

2021-10-24 Randy Gilchrist Spirituality
Going Back to the Temple:  Addressing and Eliminating Excuses

Going Back to the Temple: Addressing and Eliminating Excuses

As a single member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, it would be well worth your while to have a current temple recommend and regularly attend to the temple. Regular temple attendance would bless you with having the Spirit more often, which will help you be happy now and prepare you spiritually for your future marriage. Temple attendance will also help ease your emotional pains and scars from the past. Finally, going to the temple regularly will remind you of the eternal

2021-10-16 Randy Gilchrist Dating, Spirituality
Worldly Attitudes on Marriage

Worldly Attitudes on Marriage

In Lehi and Nephi’s vision of the tree of life, a metaphorical image is given of a “great and specious building”. In this building, many popular, trendy, well dressed inhabitants cast ridicule, scorn, shame, and put downs to those holding onto the iron rod on the path towards the tree. Worldly views, attitudes, and philosophy was cast on the righteous in an attempt to lead them astray from eternal life. Accordingly, we read from Lehi’s vision: And I also cast my eyes round about, and beheld

2021-09-05 Shawn Gordon Marriage preparation, Spirituality
The Creed of President George Albert Smith

The Creed of President George Albert Smith

President George Albert Smith was the church president from 1945-1951, being a general authority through the Great Depression and World War II. To be a church leader through such difficult and challenging times helped to cultivate many admirable principles and values in this great man. Many an article could be created in relation to his great words and teachings. There is one particular set of ideas from President Smith that I wanted to share in this little article that I feel can be very

2021-08-08 Randy Gilchrist Spirituality
Keeping an Eternal Perspective on Marriage

Keeping an Eternal Perspective on Marriage

In our lives as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we have often been told that we need to “keep an eternal perspective on things”. But what does “keeping an eternal perspective” mean? It means thinking of and approaching every notable circumstance/decision in this life with a consideration of how our approach to it will matter one way or the other both now and in the next life. In the eternities. After the days of our mortal existence have ended. The idea and hope is

2021-04-25 Randy Gilchrist Dating, Spirituality
April 2021General Conference:  Guidance for Singles

April 2021General Conference: Guidance for Singles

Every April and October, we members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints enjoy the immense benefits of general conference. We get to enjoy the guidance, direction, and instruction from the main prophet/president of the church, as well as other prophets, apostles, and inspired leaders. This represents the latest, most relevant inspiration for the members of the church. The will of the Lord is mainly shared through his prophets. We learn from Amos 3:7 that “…Surely the Lord God will

2021-04-11 Randy Gilchrist Spirituality
Applying Nephi’s Teaching to Singles

Applying Nephi’s Teaching to Singles

There are many teachings from Nephi in the Book of Mormon that can give special insights, direction, and instruction for single members in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This brief article will review three particular lessons from Nephi that you can hopefully apply to your life. Please review and enjoy: Lessons from Nephi: 1) You can do anything you are commanded to do. That includes your callings, keeping the commandments, your search for a spouse, and anything else the

2021-01-11 Randy Gilchrist Dating, Spirituality
Enduring to the End…Single?

Enduring to the End…Single?

Many times in the scriptures we are told to “endure to the end”. For instance, Christ told the Nephites, “Behold, I am the law, and the light. Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live; for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life” (3 Nephi 15:9). So, what does that mean? From my understanding, this means staying active in church and being faithful to your baptismal covenants until you die. Keeping temple covenants too, where applicable. Keep active, keep having

2020-12-21 Randy Gilchrist Dating, Spirituality
Elder Uchtdorf Quotes

Elder Uchtdorf Quotes

In my opinion, one of the most supporting, loving, and insightful general authorities is Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. He is the former “President Uchtdorf” when he was in the First Presidency with Pres. Monson (2008-2018), and then “Elder Uchtdorf” again, back in the Quorum of the Twelve. Anyway, in this article I am going to post a few of his quotes that I feel can be helpful and useful to single members (and most people in general). If you really enjoy him and would like to read, listen to, or

2020-11-08 Randy Gilchrist Spirituality
Eternally Single?

Eternally Single?

In the Doctrine & Covenants 132, we learn all about the nature of and difference between a marriage that will be eternal and those who end at the end of mortal life. The difference relates to whether or not you marry in the temple (and keep those covenants) versus if you marry civilly. The idea is that your choices determine these outcomes. However, what if you really want an eternal temple marriage but you settle for civil, hoping for more at some point? Or even possibly hope you will be given

2020-10-12 Randy Gilchrist Marriage preparation, Spirituality
Assessing Spirituality

Assessing Spirituality

When first getting to know someone and as you begin dating, assessing the other person’s level of spirituality is important. Why? Because the greater the mismatch spiritually between the both of you, the greater the challenges tend to be in the relationship. How does that make sense? If the other person is much stronger spiritually than you, shouldn’t that be a plus? For them personally, yes. But not necessarily for you both in the relationship. A highly spiritual person tends to be very

2020-10-05 Randy Gilchrist Dating, Spirituality
Positive Ideas About Femininity

Positive Ideas About Femininity

In Isaiah 5:20-24 a problem is described that will exist in the latter days: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!

2020-06-01 Randy Gilchrist Understanding women, Spirituality
Dating Quotes by General Authorities

Dating Quotes by General Authorities

Whether you are a young adult, a mid-single, or a senior in the church dating scene, the advice from general authorities is for all. As members we can be served to remember the following scripture: “…whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.” (Doctrine & Covenants 1:38). The main servants of the Lord are what we now refer to as the “general authorities”. In general conference talks, general authorities have spoken numerous useful and helpful ideas, thoughts, and

2020-03-09 Randy Gilchrist Dating, Healthy relationships, Spirituality